Advertise in the Flea!


Contact Ad Manager Allen Hah for more information.

Advertising Rates

Half Page 7.5”W x 4.25”H (horizontal) : $200

Quarter Page 3.5”W x 4.25”H (vertical) : $100

Business Card 3.5”W x 2.0”H (horizontal) : $50


Advertising Closing Dates

Each issue is printed and distributed prior to the Neighborhood’s Quarterly Meeting, which is held on the third Wednesday of the following months:

February: Materials due by January 14

May: Materials due by April 14

August: Materials due by July 14

November: Materials due by October 14

Advertising Specifications

  • We accept the following formats: JPEG, TIFF, EPS and PDF (be sure to include fonts when saving), with a recommended resolution of 300 dpi.

  • B&W ads are preferred for print.

  • Advertisers may submit separate artwork for each issue in which advertising is purchased and must submit new artwork by the material due date.

  • All advertising is subject to acceptance by the Cherrywood Neighborhood Association.

Why Advertise?

You can directly reach more than 1,600 households as well as businesses within the Cherrywood boundary in 78722.

Copies of THE FLEA are archived at the Austin History Center.

Last Updated: December 2023