CNA Quarterly Meeting November 14

Join neighbors for the quarterly meeting of the Cherrywood Neighborhood Association on Wednesday at 6:30 PM at Servant Church. We will have two speakers from the City Manager's Office to present on the recent bond package, and hot drinks will be served.

I know several of us are bringing kids, so there likely will be a kid corner as well. Please come, show you support, and bring a neighbor.

Bests, Jim Reed, CNA Chair


CNA General Meeting Agenda
Date: Wednesday, Nov 4, 2018
Time: 6:30 PM Meeting
Place: Servant Church, 1605 East 38th 1/2 St.

Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks
2. Approval of Previous GM Action Items
3. Steering Committee Report
     A. Chair Report
     B. Treasurer Report
     C. Flea Report
4. Community Presenters
     A. City Manager's Office
5. Reports of Committees and Neighborhood Projects
     A. LUT Report by Girard Kinney (Possible Action)
     B. Green Space Update by Jennifer Potter-Milller
     C. CNA Representative to External Organizations Voting
6. New Business
     A. Steering Committee Membership Annual Election (Action)
7. General Announcements (Sign In Sheet Prior to Meeting)(3 min per speaker) 
8. Business Meeting Adjourn
