February 20 Cherrywood Neighborhood Association General Meeting Agenda

Our first quarterly meeting of 2019 is this Weds, Feb 20th, at 6:30 PM at Servant Church, corner 38 1/2 and Cherrywood.

We have a speaker from the City's Mobility Services Division, Jacob Culberson, to present on dockless mobility, including e scooters and e-bikes. 

I know we have experienced an increase of e scooters and bikes in Cherrywoood, notably them being parked in the streets, side walks, yards and even the Maplewood Elementary campus.  Jacob will go over correct usage, how to report incorrect usage, and possibly, future changes by the city. 

Otherwise we will have several neighborhood community updates, including LUT, Green Spaces, and UBC. Please come, show you support, and bring a neighbor.

Best, Jim Reed, CNA Chair


CNA General Meeting Agenda

Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Time: 6:30 PM Meeting
Place: Servant Church, 1605 East 38th 1/2 St., Austin, TX 78722

Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order and Welcoming Remarks
2. Approval of Previous GM Action Items
3. Community Presenters
     A. City's Mobility Services Division, Jacob Culberson
4. Steering Committee Report
     A. Chair Report
     B. Treasurer Report
     C. Flea Report
5. Reports of Committees and Neighborhood Projects
     A. LUT Report by Girard Kinney
     B. Green Space Update by Jennifer Potter-Milller
     C. UBC Bylaws Update by Jim Walker
6. New Business
     A. _______________
7. General Announcements (Sign In Sheet Prior to Meeting) (3 mins. per speaker) 
8. Business Meeting Adjourn
